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Tuesday, 21 January 2020 10:05

Ananas Analytics Desktop

Ananas Analytics is a data analytics desktop application, built for non-technical users, but also very useful for skilled users. It keeps the technical barriers very low, by providing a visual interface to build ETL and data analysis that usually requires the expertise of data engineering.

Extracting, transforming, join, concatenate data and loading to a wide range of data source can be easy for non-technical users.

On the other side, Ananas Analytics Desktop is an open source project, provides the possibilities for engineers to customize the code, add new functionalities to adapt non-technical users' special use cases. It also provides several development tools to help engineers build, test, deploy, and run traditional data ETL systems easily.

Some key Features:
offline mode: run analysis jobs on your own computer, without internet connection;
query, transform and analyze with standard SQL, also for non relational database;
support both structured and unstructured data;
minimal knowledge required for Simple SQL;
explore data with built-in charts. Easy to use chart configuration;
execute your job with your existing data platform: Spark, Flink, Google Dataflow. etc.;
privacy and security: data is processed on your computer or your infrastructure.

More information here:
and here

Published in analytics
Thursday, 18 April 2019 17:51

Metatron Discovery

Metatron Discovery is an end-to-end big data self service analytics open source solution, developed by SK Telekom Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea. Metatron is able to process huge data sets super fast, powered by an optimized Apache Druid (a very fast highly scalable columnar data-store). This open source application provides easy data analytics for everyone, with an intuitive user interface with full API support.

Some key Features:
integrated powerful interactive data preprocessing tool;
interactive dashboards with numerous preloaded charts;
supports query(SQL) based data exploration and GUI based data wrangling;
supports various data sources (e.g. DBs, Hive, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Presto or Kafka streams);
job and data usage monitoring;
metadata management;
supports 3rd party data analytics tool integration;
fine grain access control of users and workspaces;
overcomes druid weaknesses without performance degradation using Metatron optimized Druid;
full API support, enabling easy integration into your environment;
Docker support for distributed version deployment.

More information here:
and here

An on line demo is available here:
Username: metatron and Password: metatron
Published in analytics
Friday, 19 October 2018 09:08

Grafana dashboards

Grafana provides a powerful and elegant way to create, explore, and share dashboards and data with teams and on the world wide web. It is most commonly used for visualizing time series data but many use it in other domains including business analytics, industrial sensors, weather forecasting and process control.

Grafana works with Graphite, Elasticsearch, Cloudwatch, Prometheus, InfluxDB & many more data sets, included MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. Grafana is open source software, but if offers some commercial plugins to add some useful features.

More info here.
Published in controlling